A fresh face, two islands and an absolute DREAM TEAM!
We know we say this every season, but this was definitely our favourite shoot to date.
With locations and a model this beautiful, it was hard to not to get a great shot, and we’re completely spoiled for choice for which images to use in our upcoming LookBook!
Our new collection is both colourful and on trend with summer neutrals, it is easy-to-wear and flattering whilst keeping your travel and holiday comfort in mind. Our Brazilian beauty of a model Leticia Salles made every single piece look absolutely stunning.
Just as likemary is a small and personal business so are our shoot teams. When we come together for a shoot, we like to call it a family shoot!
Creative Director Davide Amaro
From Sicily, currently based in Madrid. likemary is so lucky to work with Davide again this season. You haven’t met passion until you’ve met Davide and his big Sicilian heart! (Not on social media)
Photographer Kris Micallef
Based in Malta, Kris exhibits internationally. When he’s not behind the lens you can find Kris organizing events and parties on the island (insider tip: look up Lollipop in Malta). See his work here:
https://www.instagram.com/krismicallefphoto/ and http://krismicallef.bigcartel.com/products
BTS Photographer David Montanaro Gauci
David can also be found coding artificial intelligence or trekking up a mountain looking for a remote village to get his style of perfect shot.
Hair and Makeup Artist Ramon Rios
From La Coruña based in Madrid and Ibiza, Ramon is über cool and super talented, let results do the talking. Ramon’s magic gave our summer campaign it’s shine and sparkle.
Model Leticia Salles
From Brazil, Leticia works internationally and is currently based in London. A joy and a pleasure to work with, all of the smiles that you see in the pictures are natural. Leticia is a happy human who adores all animals especially her adopted pup Lucy.
Stylist Peter Carbonaro
From Malta and currently based there, Peter was recently the main stylist on X-Factor. You can also find Peter travelling, performing, producing, presenting or at Eurovision!
Creative Assistant Marco Sindaco
From Italy and currently based in Madrid. Marco is a multi-talented man, likemary is super grateful that Marco has agreed to join us for a third shoot. Thanks to his analyst skills and expertise we get invaluable feedback at the end of each shoot. (Not on social media)
Filming and Social Media Nicola Rizzo
Nicola is based in Malta. She is the most professional teenager we’ve had the pleasure to work with, juggling her jobs and her studies, Nicola is a natural.
Stylist Assistant Michaela Scerri
Based in Malta – Michaela enjoyed her likemary experience and we loved having her with us (insider info: she drives like a Mediterranean)