Pink has no gender
At likemary we believe that pink has no gender. We think it is a fierce colour, maybe for this reason seen as a feminist colour... InWGSN’s latest report about pink , colour director Jane Monnington Boddy calls Pink “a confidence colour”. We couldn’t agree more.
Express your sensitivity, tenderness and sweetness with pink no matter if you are a boy or a girl.
Here’s a great selection of likemary styles in one of our favourite colours this season!
[ux_products type="grid" ids="26854,26785,26930,26885,27898,26085,27794,26934"]
[ux_products style="shade" type="grid" grid_height="650px" ids="26302,26837,28117,26891" image_overlay="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19)" image_hover="zoom" image_hover_alt="glow" text_align="left" text_size="large"]
Express your sensitivity, tenderness and sweetness with pink no matter if you are a boy or a girl.
Here’s a great selection of likemary styles in one of our favourite colours this season!
[ux_products type="grid" ids="26854,26785,26930,26885,27898,26085,27794,26934"]
[ux_products style="shade" type="grid" grid_height="650px" ids="26302,26837,28117,26891" image_overlay="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.19)" image_hover="zoom" image_hover_alt="glow" text_align="left" text_size="large"]